Since 1990, SailRail has put its carts into a vast number of automotive plants in North America, as well as countless other applications in different industries. Every piece of SailRail equipment is proudly engineered, manufactured and assembled in North America.

SailRail’s Base Cart is a heavy duty, ultra customizable material handling cart, that can be tailored to the customers specifications using a vast number of different add-ons and ergonomic improvements. This allows SailRail’s Base Cart to tackle any problem that can be thrown at it.

ErgoKart Custom Diagram.png

Base cart specifications

  • 4 or 6 wheel base carts designed for low initial and sustained push force requirements and ease of steering

  • Fork pockets provided

  • Compatible with Ergo Tables

  • Various hitch and handle options available

  • Bolt on risers available

  • Various caster options

  • Available with bottom clearance for interface with lift and tilt tables